Forbind dine foretrukne værktøjer med dit telefonsystem

Connecting CGM to your telephony platform is extremely important for improving customer satisfaction and working more efficiently. With our integration tool Bubble, you no longer have to search for patient data manually during phone calls but can use the functionalities that CGM's telephony module has to offer you.
For this integration, Bubble acts as a gateway. This means that you can disable all of Bubble's pop-up features yourself, because in this configuration, Bubble only ensures that your telephony environment can communicate with CGM's telephony module
The integration method gives you all the functionality that the CGM's telephony module has to offer. Think of a callnotification that comes into view with the patient information, which you can also click on to access the calling person's patient file. If several family members are linked to the same telephone number, it is possible to navigate directly to the correct patient from the overview. When a call is transferred to a colleague, the customer information moves with it. By default, the pop-up is visible from the moment your softphone, deskphone or other device rings until the call is terminated. Ask CGM about the specific features their telephony module has to offer. In addition to the aforementioned gateway feature, Bubble comes with many other functionalities. For example, you can activate multiple CRM integrations under the same user at no extra cost, which can be useful if you use multiple software applications within your company. We have already listed some important features for you:
- All the functionality that CGM's phone module has to offer you.
- Dialing out with one click on a phone number in your CRM, browser or other program with the Click & Call feature.
- Easy and secure login based on Single sign-on (Microsoft, Google or Apple account).
To meet your specific needs, Bubble is equipped with the Automations module. With this module it is possible to add your own If-This-Then-That flows. Think, for example, of running a script or automatically opening the call-note-screen instead of having to click it open.
Connecting Bubble - and thus the CGM Software CRM connector - to your telephony platform is very easy. The procedure is different per telephony platform but one thing they all have in common, you don't have to be a technician to do it.
Klik for at ringe op fra CRM
Start et udgående telefonopkald med et enkelt museklik fra dit CRM-program eller en hvilken som helst hjemmeside.
Genvejstaster til opkald fra CRM
Er et telefonnummer ikke klikbart i dit CRM? Med denne funktion kan du stadig foretage et opkald.
Kopiér til opkald
Vælg et telefonnummer, og få en forslag til at ringe op med det samme.
Pop-up med flere resultater
Opstår et telefonnummer flere gange i din CRM-applikation? Klik direkte til næste resultat. Har du brug for denne funktion, men er den endnu ikke tilgængelig for din integration? Kontakt os venligst.
Registrering af opkald
Opkaldsoplysninger kan registreres direkte i dit CRM under kundekortet. Har du brug for denne funktion, men er den endnu ikke tilgængelig for din integration? Kontakt os venligst.
Søg i CRM-kontaktoplysninger fra 'SearchBar'-værktøjslinjen på skrivebordet. Herfra kan du åbne kundekortet, starte et telefonopkald direkte, sende en e-mail/WhatsApp/Microsoft Teams-besked eller se opkaldshistorikken. Har du brug for denne funktion, men er den endnu ikke tilgængelig for din integration? Kontakt os venligst.
API i realtid (virksomhedsbaseret)
Autentificering med CRM-applikation på virksomhedsniveau.
Klon skabelon
Der skal bruges en skabelon ved kloning af profiler, da der finder en brugerautorisation sted, som ikke kan klones.
Selve CRM-applikationen har et indbygget telefonimodul. Bubble fungerer som en gateway (til at forbinde telefonimodulet i din CRM-applikation og dit telefonisystem), hvorigennem du kan deaktivere pop op-vinduet i selve Bubble (og derfor også funktionerne i Bubble).
Enkelt login
Ingen grund til at huske flere adgangskoder, log ind med din Microsoft-, Google- eller Apple-konto.
Klik for at ringe op
Start et udgående telefonopkald med et enkelt museklik fra en hvilken som helst hjemmeside.
Genvejstast til opkald
Er et telefonnummer ikke klikbart i dit CRM? Med denne funktion kan du stadig foretage et opkald.
Indfødt Windows-applikation
Bubble fås som en indbygget softwareapplikation til Windows.
Indfødt macOS-applikation
Bubble er tilgængelig som en indbygget softwareapplikation til macOS
Byg dine egne If-This-That-flows til f.eks. at åbne handlinger, ændre parametre eller udføre et script.
Notation af tal
Hvis du bruger forskellige talnotationer i dit CRM (der er allerede 20+ formater som standard), kan du selv tilføje dem.

Hvad gavner Bubble din organisation?
Sparet tid pr. år
Investeringsboble pr. år
Samlet investering pr. år
Potentielle besparelser pr. år
Disclaimer: Denne beregning er baseret på 45 arbejdsuger (8 timer pr. dag). Denne beregning tager ikke højde for eventuelle engangsinvesteringer eller licensgebyrer opkrævet af CRM-leverandøren. Der kan ikke udledes nogen rettigheder fra denne beregning.
- Saving time by not having to ask for the customers name
- Answer the phone in a customer-friendly and personal way
- Improve team interaction by immediately seeing which colleague has had contact
- No manual and incorrect entering of customer data
- Instantly see who and why someone is calling
- More time and attention for the customer which leads to better customer satisfaction
- Calling directly from the customer data of your software application
- Connecting multiple software applications within the organization? No problem with Bubble!
- All functionalities this integration has to offer
- When transferring the call to your colleague the customer details are also transferred